Saturday, 23 April 2022

[Update] DarkRPG Forge Edition Modpack


The Forge Edition of DarkRPG is out now! View full article for more information.

To download for CurseForge client go here -
or Search for 'DarkRPG' in the CurseForge client modpacks search box.

To obtain the zip file, click on Files then click into the file name to make the 'Download' button show up.

If you want to use the serverpack to play with your friends via localhost or online host methods, then follow this guide to get it set up -


## [2.4.2] - 2025-03-02

### Added
- Avowed RPG Crosshair
- Simply More

### Updated
- Forge to 47.3.33
- Advanced Chimneys
- Amendments
- Apotheosis
- Balm
- Bonfires
- Butchery
- Coking for Blockheads
- Curious API
- Dragon Mounts Legacy
- Dragon Suvivial Compat
- Drippy Loading Screen
- Entity Culling
- FancyMenu
- Farmer's Delight
- FTB Chunks
- FTB Library
- FTB Quests
- FTB Ranks
- Fzzy Config
- Immersive Aircraft
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- Target Dummy
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Nosiphus Furniture Mod
- Not Enough Animations
- Occultism
- Packet Fixer
- Patchouli
- Lost Cities
- Waystones

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Add Simply More swords to Simply Swords FTB quest chapter

## [2.4.1] - 2025-02-01

### Added
- Fastload

### Updated
- Amendments
- Apotheosis
- Big Swords R
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Dragon Mounts Legacy
- Dragon Mounts
- Dragon Survival Compat
- Embeddium Extra
- FTB Library
- FTB Quests
- FTB Teams
- Fzzy Config
- Jade
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- ModernFix
- Moonlight Library
- Not Enough Animations
- Theurgy
- Waystones

### Removed
- KubeJS (server issues)
- Rhino

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.4.0] - 2025-01-18

### Added
- FTB Ultimine
- FastBoot

### Updated
- Amendments
- Ancient Curses
- Apotheosis
- Apotheothic Additions
- Balm
- Butchery
- Curious API
- Dragon Mounts More Dragons
- Epic Knights
- ForgeEndertech
- FTB Library
- Fzzy Config
- GeckoLib
- Immersive Aircraft
- Iron's Spells
- Jade
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Not Enough Animations
- Oculus
- Packet Fixer
- Tom's Storage
- Trashslot

### Removed
- Smooth Boot (replaced by FastBoot)
- Saturn (not needed)
- Redirector (ModernFix clash)

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.3.9] - 2024-12-21

### Added
- N/A

### Updated
- AzureLib
- Butchery
- Citadel
- Nosiphus Furniture

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Fix players dropping pig corpses on death

## [2.3.8] - 2024-12-18

### Added
- N/A

### Updated
- Abyssal Decor
- AzureLib
- Bad Wither No Cookie
- Balm
- Basic Weapons
- Butchery
- Entity Culling
- Farmer's Delight
- FTB Chunks
- Fzzy Config
- Inventory Tweaks
- Lootr
- ModernFix
- Moonlight Lib
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Not Enough Animations
- Polymorph
- Tom's Simple Storage
- Vampirism

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.3.7] - 2024-11-26

### Added
- N/A

### Updated
- Butchery
- Camera
- Cataclysmic Combat
- Dragon Survival
- Drippy Loading Screen
- Epic Knights
- Fancy Menu
- Framework
- FTB Chunks
- FTB Library
- Fzzy Config
- Immersive Aircraft
- Iron's Spells
- L Ender's Combat
- Lionfish API
- Moonlight API
- Not Enough Animations
- Occultism
- Puzzles Library
- Reliquary
- ServerCore
- Theurgy
- Tool Belt

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Update Immersion and Enigmatic Ftb quest chapters
- Update Keybinds

## [2.3.6] - 2024-11-22

### Added
- N/A

### Updated
- N/A

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- N/A
- Rollback to 2.3.4 state (more testing needed with mine and slash, sorry!)
- Restore official server to 1 day rollback.

## [2.3.5] - 2024-11-22

### Added
- Mine and Slash

### Updated
- Theurgy
- Butcher
- Occultism
- Cataclysm
- Reliquary
- Dragon Survival
- Moonlight Lib
- Immersive Aircraft
- Camera
- Big Swords
- Lionfish API
- Framework
- Not Enough Animations
- Puzzles Lib
- Fancy Menu
- Drippy Loading
- Epic Knights

### Removed
- Apotheosis & addons (for additional balancing)
- Passive Skill Tree (replced by Mine and Slash)
- Neat (already exist in Mine and slash)

### Changed
- Update keybinds
- Update welcome message
- Change GUI scale to x3 as default

## [2.3.4] - 2024-10-09

### Added
- N/A

### Updated
- Immersive Aircraft
- Lost Cities

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Update Dragon Survival Ftb quest chapter to include altar and editor commands as repeatable quests.

## [2.3.3] - 2024-10-07

### Added
- Dragon Survival
- Dragon Survival Compatiblity

### Updated
- Moonlight Lib

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Add Dragon Survival Ftb Quest chapter
- Update Quark rotation key to "=" 

## [2.3.2] - 2024-11-06

### Added
- Cardiac
- Abyssal Decor
- Amendments

### Updated
- Cristel Lib
- ModernFix
- FTB Library
- Lost Cities
- Moonlight Lib
- Entity Culling
- Farmer's Delight

### Removed
- Nyf's Quivers (until crash issues identified and resolved)

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.3.1] - 2024-10-31

### Added
- Quark

### Updated
- Advanced Hook Launchers
- Ancient Curses
- Bad Wither No Cookie
- Butchery
- Curious API
- DarkQuesting
- Enchantment Descriptions
- ForgeEndertech
- FTB Chunks
- Fzzy Config
- Iron's Spells
- KubeJS
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- Moonlight Lib
- Neat
- Occultism
- Theurgy
- Waystones

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Downgrade Big Swords R (fix ores drop issue, thanks Rav)
- Update Keybinds
- Set J key to disable minimap (use this to boost your fps if on low end machine)
- Set CapsLock key to auto-run

## [2.3.0] - 2024-10-19

### Added
- Relics Artifacts Compat
- Celestisynth
- Ancient Curses
- Combat Roll

### Updated
- Big Swords R
- Chipped
- Framework
- FTB Quests
- Fzzy Config
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- Moonlight Lib
- Vampirism

### Removed

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.2.9] - 2024-10-14

### Added
- Memory Sweep
- Morning Glory
- Fast Paintings

### Updated
- Butchery
- Fzzy Config
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Shulker Box Slot

### Removed
- Sawmill

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.2.8] - 2024-10-08

### Added
- TrashSlot
- Inventory Tweaks
- Stoneborn resources

### Updated
- AzureLib
- Cataclysmic Combat
- Elytra Slot
- Epic Knights
- Fzzy Config
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Puzzles Lib

### Removed
- Inventory Sorter

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.2.7] - 2024-10-03

### Added
- N/A

### Updated
- Apotheosis
- AzureLib
- Dragon Mounts: More Dragons
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Perfect Plushies
- Reliquary Reincarnations

### Removed
- Legendary Armory (due to ticking error after being attacked by Deku)

### Changed
- Note: This is a hotfix release

## [2.2.6] - 2024-09-28

### Added
- CSGO Crosshair

### Updated
- Butchery
- BH Menu
- Dark Utilities
- EMI Loot
- Fast IP Ping
- Fzzy Config
- Iron's Spells
- Legendary Armory
- Moonlight Lib
- Theurgy
- Vampirism

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.2.5] - 2024-09-21

### Added
- Easy Anvils
- DarkSleep
- Samurai Dynasty
- Legendary Armor
- NaNny

### Updated
- Butchery
- Cloth Config
- Colorful Hearts
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Easy Villagers
- Fzzy Config
- Iron's Spells
- Target Dummy
- Moonlight Lib
- Neat
- Nosiphus Furniture Mod
- Tool Stats

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- N/A

## [2.2.4] - 2024-09-14

### Added
- N/A

### Updated
- Forge to 47.3.10
- Apotheosis & addons
- Advanced Chimneys
- Alex's Mobs
- Butchery
- Easy Villagers
- EMI Loot
- Immersive Aircraft
- Target Dummy
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Not Enough Animations
- Occultism
- Passive Skill Tree
- Puzzles Lib
- Relics

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Add FTB Chunks Lootr and Waystone compat

## [2.2.3] - 2024-09-06

### Added
- Relics
- Relics: Alex's Mobs Compat
- Chipped
- World Border Variant

### Updated
- Artifacts
- BjornLib
- Curios API
- Easy Villagers
- Embeddium
- Framework
- Jade
- ModernFix
- Occultism
- SmartBrainLib

### Removed
- N/A

### Changed
- Add DarkBlades to Ftb quests
- Update Trinkets Ftb quest chapter

## [2.2.2] - 2024-08-30

### Added

- Thaumon
- Not Enought Animations
- I Wanna Skate
- Glowing Eyes
### Updated

- Bats Galore
- Entity Culling 
- Fast IP Ping
- GeckoLib
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Neruina
- Occultism
- Puzzles Lib

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.2.1hf] - 2024-08-27

### Added

- N/A
### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- YOSBY (due to rare crash involving resources not able to load options.txt file)

### Changed

- Note: this is a hotfix release

## [2.2.1] - 2024-08-26

### Added

- JEI (works alongside EMI)
### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Butchery
- ModernFix
- Resourceful Lib
- Waystones
- Occultism
- All shaders to latest version

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Note: this is a hotfix release
- Update Ftb quests (thanks Cthulu's Lawyer!)
- Fix waystone config

## [2.2.0] - 2024-08-24

### Added

- CrashExploitFixer
- GunBlades
- EMI Loot
- EMI Trades
- Dragon Mounts: Legacy
- Dragon Mounts: More Dragons
- Dragon Mounts: Even More Dragons
### Updated

- Update Forge to 47.3.7
- Balm
- Bats Galore
- Butchery
- Easy Villagers
- Entity Culling
- Inventory Hud+
- Lootr
- Moonlight Lib
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Risk of Rain
- Simply Swords
- SmartBrainLib

### Removed

- A.V.A (player corruption issues)
- Risk of Rain

### Changed

- Clean up configs

## [2.1.9] - 2024-08-17

### Added

- N/A
### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- Ars (accidently added with Tome of Blood as dependency)
- Tome of Blood (due to Ars)

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.1.8] - 2024-08-17

### Added

- Blood Magic
- Tome of Blood: Rebirth
- FTB Quests
### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Advanced Hook Launchers
- Balm
- Better Combat
- ChocoCraft
- Colorful Hearts
- Camera
- Easy Villagers
- Elytra Slot
- Embeddium
- Enchantment Descriptions 
- Enigmatic Legacy
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Kobolds
- Lootr
- Lost Souls
- Target Dummy
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Neruina
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Lost Cities
- Theurgy

### Removed

- Version check

### Changed

- Add FTB quests (thanks Cthulu's Lawyer!)
- Change Ftb quest keybind to I key

## [2.1.7] - 2024-07-29

### Added

- fix GPU Mem Leak

### Updated

- Enigmatic Legacy
- Citadel
- Easy Villagers
- Resourceful Lib
- ModernFix
- Butchery
- FTB Library
- Tom's Simple Storage
- Inventory HUD+
- Moonlight Lib
- Modonomicon
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Elytra Slot
- Tips
- Embeddium
- Advanced Chimneys
- Occultism

### Removed

- Immedietly Fast

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.1.6] - 2024-07-18

### Added

- Clickable Advancements
- TimeoutFixes
- Cataclysmic Combat (requested)
- Ancient Reforging (requested)
- Crawl on Demand

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Bonfires
- Butchery
- Camera Mod
- Colorful Hearts
- Comforts
- End's Delight
- Elytra Slot
- Easy Villagers
- Inventory Hud+
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Farsight
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Perfect Plushies
- SmartBrainLib
- Tips
- Tom's Trading Network
- Vampirism
- Waystones

### Removed

- Connectivity
- Structure Essentials
- Leaky
- GPU Memory Leak
- Smooth Chunk Save
- Ultimate Car Mod

### Changed

- Clean up config
- Add Scroll of Amnesia custom recipe
- Update Keybinds

## [2.1.5] - 2024-07-03

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Theurgy
- Sawmill
- Neruina
- Kobolds
- Immersive Melodies
- Advanced Chimneys
- DarkQuesting
- Embeddium

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Change datapack location to config folder (solves Bisect and other hosting provider issues).

## [2.1.4] - 2024-06-26

### Added

- Water Balloon
- Passive Skill Tree (requested)
- Armor Stand Arms
- Apothic Curios

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Balm
- Butchery
- Colorful Hearts
- Cupboard
- Embeddium
- End's Delight
- Fast IP Ping
- ForgeEndertech
- GeckoLib
- Inventory HUD+
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- L Ender's Cataclysm
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Neruina
- Occultism
- Puzzles Lib
- Theurgy

### Removed

- Pufferfish's Skills (replaced by Passive Skill Tree)
- Macaw's mods to reduce memory related issues on clients

### Changed

- Add Amenesia Scroll(used to reset skills) to the diamond casino
- Fix DarkRewards custom loot tables not working

## [2.1.3] - 2024-06-15

### Added

- Apotheotic Additions (requested)
- Bats Galore

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- All The Trims
- Artifacts
- Bookshelf
- Butchery
- CB Compressed Blocks
- Colorful Hearts
- DarkSpawn
- Elytra Slot
- Embeddium
- Entity Culling
- GeckoLib
- ImmediatelyFast
- L_Ender's Cataclysm
- Lootr
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Packet Fixer
- Placebo
- Sawmill
- Lost Cities
- Tom's Simple Storage
- Vampirism
- Werewolves

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Clean up keybinds. Make sure to rebind any keys if using different layout.

## [2.1.2] - 2024-06-06

### Added

- L_Ender's Cataclysm (requested)

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Advanced Netherite
- Artifacts
- Balm
- Basic Weapons
- Bookshelf
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Ender Trigon
- Immediately Fast
- Immersive Melodies
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Jade
- ModernFix
- Occultism
- Pufferfish's Attributes
- Sky Villages
- Structure Essentials
- Theurgy
- Tool Belt
- Werewolves

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.1.1] - 2024-06-01

### Added

- Menu and loading graphics

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Artifacts
- Butchery
- Colorful Hearts
- Curios API
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Entity Culling
- ForgeEnderTech
- Framework
- FTB Chunks
- FTB Library
- FTB Teams
- GeckoLib
- ImmediatelyFast
- Immersive Melodies
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Lootr
- Max Health Fix
- Moonlight Lib
- Packet Fixer
- Polymorph
- Pufferfish's Attributes
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Puzzles Lib
- Sawmill
- Terrablender
- The Lost Cities
- Theurgy

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.1.0] - 2024-05-22

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Version number because CF is annoying

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.9] - 2024-05-22

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Moonlight Lib
- Colorful Hearts
- Resourceful Lib
- FTB Library

### Removed

- BatsGalore (until ticking issue resolved)

### Changed

- Downgrade Neruina to 1.3.0 (last version with no issues reported)

## [2.0.8] - 2024-05-21

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Neruina
- Moonlight Lib
- DarkSpins
- Kobolds
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Immediately Fast

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Update Neruina config
- Update Logbegone config

## [2.0.7] - 2024-05-18

### Added

- Sawmill (requested)

### Updated

- Advanced Hook Launchers
- Apothic Attributes
- Bonfires
- Butchery
- Embeddium
- Immersive Aircraft
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Leaky
- Macaw's Paths and Pavings
- Macaw's Trapdoors
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Mouse Tweaks
- Neruina
- Nosiphus Furniture Mod
- Occultism

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.6hf] - 2024-05-11

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- CB Compressed Blocks
- ServerCore  (server owners please look into the servercore folder in your server's config file to update any changes)

### Removed

- Rats (causing too many server and lag issues)

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.6] - 2024-05-10

### Added

- Nebula Glint resource packs (enable in textures menu)
- Butchery (requested)

### Updated

- Apotheosis
- Chunky
- Embeddium
- ImmediatelyFast
- Jade
- Kobolds
- Lost Souls
- Target Dummy
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Puzzles Lib
- TerraBlender
- The Lost Cities
- Werewolves

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.5hf2] - 2024-05-06

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- Memoryleakfix

### Changed

- Log Begone entries to include additional parameters.
- Fixed global packs.

## [2.0.5hf] - 2024-05-06

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- DarkBlades

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.5] - 2024-05-03

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Artifacts
- CB Compressed Blocks
- Curious API
- Durability 101
- Embeddium
- Embeddium Extra
- Immediately Fast
- Iron's Spells n Spellboos
- Kobolds
- Leaky
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Oculus
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Car Mod

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.4hf] - 2024-04-24

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Packet Fixer
- Searchables

### Removed

- Heracles

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.4] - 2024-04-22

### Added

- Rats

### Updated

- Advanced Netherite
- Better Combat
- Caelus API
- CB Compressed Blocks
- Clumps
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Curious API
- Embeddium
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Packet Fixer
- Simply Swords
- SmartBrainLib
- Structure Gel API
- The List Cities

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.3] - 2024-04-12

### Added

- Redirector
- Dimensional Sync Fixes
- Does Potato Tick

### Updated

- Artifacts
- Bookshelf
- CB Compressed Blocks
- Epic Knights
- ForgeEndertech
- Moonlight Lib
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Occultism
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Reliquary Reincarnations

### Removed

- Canary

### Changed

- N/A

## [2.0.2] - 2024-04-07

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Artifacts
- Epic Knights
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Reliquary Reincarnations

### Removed

- Macaw's Bridges (may be added later)

### Changed

- Corrected version numbering for servers

## [2.0.0] - 2024-03-24

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- All The Trims
- Apotheosis
- Apothic Attributes
- Better Combat
- Big Swords R
- Chococraft
- Citadel
- Curious API
- Epic Knights
- ForgeEndertech
- Handcrafted
- Heracles
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Lootr
- Lost Souls
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Nosiphus Furniture Mod
- Occultism
- Placebo
- Puzzles Lib
- Resourceful Lib
- Structure Gel API
- The Lost Cities
- Theurgy
- Vampirism
- Werewolves

### Removed

- SimpleFarming (causing server crashes)

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.9.9] - 2024-03-20

### Added

- Memory Usage Title
- Fast IP Ping
- Saturn

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Advanced Netherite
- Architectury API
- Artifacts
- Balm
- Comforts
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Bookshelf
- Enchantment Descriptions
- ForgeEndertech
- Framework
- FTB Chunks
- FTB Teams
- GeckoLib
- Immersive Aircraft
- Iron's Spells n Spellbooks
- Kobolds
- MemoryLeakFix
- Moonlight Lib
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Tips
- Tom's Trading Network
- Tool Stats
- TerraBlender

### Removed

- Spark (to improve overall system performance)
- Macaw's Paintings (Medieval paintings mod exists)

### Changed

- Disable Recipe and tutorial toasts in Embeddium Extra options.

## [1.9.8] - 2024-03-14

### Added

- Lunar Orbit Crosshair

### Updated

- Connectivity
- Cupboard
- Embeddium
- Embeddium Extra
- Macaw's Paths and Pavings
- Macaw's Roofs
- ModernFix
- Simply Swords

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.9.7] - 2024-03-03

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Embeddium
- Embeddium Extra
- ModernFix
- Chunky
- Packet Fixer
- Server Performance
- Structure Essentials
- Immediately Fast

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.9.6hf2] - 2024-02-26

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- Blood Magic due to server and singleplayer TileSpectral block crashing.

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.9.6hf] - 2024-02-25

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Change Enigmatic Legacy config to make only 1x heart lost after death.
- Added Task to receive free Wayfinder of the Damned compass (press I). Use this to track dropped souls.

## [1.9.6] - 2024-02-20

### Added

- Enigmatic Legacy (requested)

### Updated

- Just Enough Resources
- Embeddium
- Embeddium extra
- Oculus
- Embeddium Options

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Added Enigmatic Legacy guide book to tasks menu (Press I, then click on guide books)
- Change version number to 1.9.6 to avoid confusion with MC version numbering

## [1.9.3hf] - 2024-02-18

### Added

- OK Zoomer (requested)

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.9.3] - 2024-02-16

### Added

- Completionist Index
- Universal Bone Meal
- DarkZoom
- Macro Keybinds (you can use this to now assign commands to keybinds such as darkrtp/darkspawn/etc)

### Updated

- Framework
- Simply Swords

### Removed

- Ok Zoomer

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.9.2hf] - 2024-02-06

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- Ars Nouveau (reported issues of ticking errors)
- Tome of Blood (dependant on Ars Nouveau)

### Changed

- Set Neruina broadcast errors to false.

## [1.9.2] - 2024-01-30

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Revert back to 1.9.0 state and archive 1.9.1 file to try to isolate ticking errors.
- Re-add Heracles

## [1.9.1] - 2024-01-28

### Added

- Heracles (Mini guide is now included with pack. Press the I key and view different categories for their information)

### Updated

- All The Trims
- Artifacts
- Big Swords R
- Citadel
- Cupboard
- GeckoLib
- Iron Spells 'n Spellbooks
- Just Enough Resources
- Lootr
- Macaw's Paths and Pavings
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Theurgy

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Heracles menu now opens with the I key.
- Fix Waystones not allowing global activation.
- Update keybinds to remove Oculus keys.

## [1.9.0] - 2024-01-23

### Added

- Chunky
- FTB Chunks
- FTB Ranks
- FTB Teams
- Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- Twilight Forest
- Grappling Hook
- Brutal Bosses
- Trim Effects
- OPAC (replaced by FTB Chunks)
- Xaero's Minimap/World Map (replaced by FTB Chunks)

### Changed

- Warning: This version may not work on your existing singleplayer or multiplayer worlds due to change of mods. Please backup your existing worlds and create a new one with this version.

## [1.8.8] - 2024-01-23

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Rollback mods to 1.8.0 state (test for future server crashing). Any left over mods will be added one by one.
- Re-add Oculus & Shaders
- Re-add Simply Swords
- Re-add Unsafe World Random Access Detector

## [1.8.7] - 2024-01-21

### Added

- ServerCore
- Krypton Reforged
- Simply Swords

### Updated

- Ars Nouveau
- Occultism

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.8.6] - 2024-01-20

### Added

- Unsafe World Random Access Detector

### Updated

- Curious API
- Macaw's Fences and Walls
- The Lost Cities

### Removed

- Scuba Gear

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.8.5] - 2024-01-19

### Added

- Macaw's Holidays
- Embeddium Extra
- TexTrue's Embeddium Options
- Oculus
- Complementary Shaders Reimagined
- Complementary Shaders Unbound
- MakeUp Ultra Fast Shaders
- Sildurs Vibrant Shaders

### Updated

- Bats Galore
- Dark Mods
- Macaw's Furniture
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Theurgy

### Removed

- ModernFix (may be added later)
- Krypton Reforged (may be added later)
- ServerCore (may be added later)
- Luck Perms (may be added later)
- Argonauts (testing server crashes without mod)
- Carry On (may be added later)

### Changed

- FPS counter shown on top left by default (can be disabled in options)
- Disable Sun & Moon in Details section of graphics options (keep this disabled when using shaders to avoid glitch)

## [1.8.4] - 2024-01-16

### Added

- TimeoutFixes
- Luck Perms

### Updated

- Apotheosis
- Blue Skies
- Dynamic Trim
- Embeddium
- GeckoLib
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Pet Shop
- Theurgy

### Removed

- Canary
- Smooth Boot
- Cupboard
- Brutal Bosses
- Server Performance
- Farsight
- Leaky
- Structure Essentials
- Fix GPU Memory
- Connectivity (replaced by TimeoutFixes)
- Grapple Hook

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.8.3] - 2024-01-10

### Added

- Argonauts
- Relics
- Relics: Alex's Mobs Compat
- Pet Shop

### Updated

- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Pufferfish's Skills
- TerraBlender
- Theurgy
- Enchantment Descriptions

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Set OPAC to use Argonauts as default party system

## [1.8.2] - 2024-01-04

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A 

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Downgrade Vampirism due to server crashes with latest version
- Downgrade Vampirism Integrations
- Downgrade Werewolves 

## [1.8.1] - 2024-01-04

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Bats Galore
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Theugry
- Vampirism
- When Dungeons Arise

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.8.0] - 2024-01-01

### Added

- Aimz - Throne & Liberty Crosshair resource pack
- Restore Block Lines resource pack (use to change white block lines back to vanilla)

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Ars Nouveau
- Bats Galore
- Blue Skies
- Bookshelf
- Canary
- Cloth Config
- Cupboard
- Curious API
- Embeddium
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Gift of Giving
- Jade
- Kobolds
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Occultism
- Perfect Plushies
- Resourceful Lib
- SmartBrainLib
- Structure Gel API
- Tool Stats
- Vampirism
- Werewolves

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.7.9] - 2023-12-20

### Added

- Souls Font
- Aimz Tiny Crosshair
- Aimz Lunar Arrow Crosshair

### Updated

- Modonomicon
- Occultism
- Patchouli
- Plushie Mod
- Vampirism Integrations

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.7.8] - 2023-12-17

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Advanced Chimneys
- Alex's Mobs
- Apotheosis
- Ars Nouveau
- Bookshelf
- Connectivity
- Curious API
- ForgeEndertech
- Macaw's Windows
- Occultism
- Tool Stats
- Waystones

### Removed

- No See No Tick (due to ticking server crashes)

### Changed

- Increase Connectivity login timeout

## [1.7.7] - 2023-12-14

### Added

- Reverse Dark Language resource pack

### Updated

- Apothic Attributes
- Ars Nouveau
- Balm
- Easy Villagesr
- Embeddium
- ModernFix
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Trims Effects
- Waystones

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.7.6] - 2023-12-08

### Added

- Gifts of Giving
- Retro RPG Font
- Nether's Delight
- End's Delight

### Updated

- Forge version to 47.2.0 (previously 47.1.3). Backup your worlds before this update.
- Advanced Hook Launchers
- Apotheosis
- Apothic Attributes
- Ars Nouveau
- Bats Galore
- Better Combat
- Citadel
- Cristel Lib
- Curious API
- Embeddium
- GeckoLib
- ImmedietlyFast
- Kobolds
- Lost Souls
- Target Dummy
- Modern Fix
- Modonomicon
- Moonlight Lib
- Neruina
- Nosiphus Furniture
- Occultism
- Packet Fixer
- Patchouli
- Placebo
- Polymorph
- Resourceful
- SmartBrainLib
- Structrure Gel API
- Lost Cities
- Twilight Forest
- Tome of Blood Rebirth
- Towns and Towers
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Change DarkRewards loot table to a festive theme giving bread and sweets

## [1.7.5] - 2023-12-03

### Added

- DarkBread

### Updated

- Artifacts
- Bats Galore (previously known as Spooky Bats)
- Bonfires
- Embeddium
- Easy Villagers
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Epic Knights
- Target Dummy
- Modern Fix
- Werewolves

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.7.4] - 2023-11-28

### Added

- Target Dummy (requested)

### Updated

- All The Trims
- Carry On
- Nyf's Modpack Version Check
- Perfect Plushies

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Arranged server list to now show Forge server on top of list.

## [1.7.3] - 2023-11-24

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- Farsight
- Structure Essentials
- GPU Memory Leak Fix
- Macaw's Paintings
- Macaw's Trapdoors
- Macaw's Furniture

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.7.2] - 2023-11-18

### Added

- Custom Background HD Resource Pack (read pack's CurseForge page on how to use your own menu backgrounds)
- Fix GPU memory leak

### Updated

- Connectivity
- Embeddium
- Server Performance
- Tips

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.7.1] - 2023-11-12

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- N/A

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- Rollback to 1.6.9 state due to ticking error, more investigation needed.

## [1.7.0] - 2023-11-09

### Added

- LibreExpFix

### Updated

- Citadel
- Embeddium
- Kobolds
- Macaw's Furniture
- Macaw's Paintings
- Macaw's Trapdoors
- ModernFix
- Packet Fixer
- Perfect Plushies
- Resourceful Lib
- Tips
- Tome of Blood Rebirth

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.9] - 2023-11-03

### Added

- N/A

### Updated

- All The Trims
- Bonfires
- CB Compressed Blocks
- Curios API
- Dark Utilities
- Embeddium
- Geckolib
- ModernFix
- Occultism
- ServerCore
- Spooky Bats
- Theurgy
- Tome of Blood Rebirth
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.8] - 2023-10-26

### Added

- Nyf's Genetics

### Updated

- A.V.A
- All The Trim
- Ars Nouveau
- Basic Weapons
- Bookshelf
- Camera Mod
- Citadel
- Colorful Hearts
- Curious API
- DarkSmelting
- Dynamic Trim
- Epic Knight
- FerriteCore
- Handcrafted
- Neruina
- Perfect Plushies
- Polymorph
- Pufferfish's Skills
- Resourceful Lib
- Shuler Box Slot
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.7] - 2023-10-19

### Added

- DarkDeath (use /trigger darkdeath to kill your character if you ever get stuck and an admin is not around)

### Updated

- All The Trims
- Ars Nouveau
- Basic Weapons
- CB Compressed Blocks
- Comforts
- Easy Villagers
- Embeddium
- Epic Knights
- Goblin Traders
- Guide API Village and Pillage
- Jade
- Spooky Bats
- Structure Gel API
- The Lost Cities
- The Twilight Forest
- Vampirism

### Removed

- DefaultOptions (keybinds not restoring properly and maintaining conflicts)

### Changed

- Xaero's map mod update notifications to off

## [1.6.6] - 2023-10-15

### Added

- CB Compressed Blocks
- Cooking for Blockheads
- Farming for Blockheads
- Default Options (Options, Keybinds and Server list files will only be overwritten if existing ones are removed)

### Updated

- Epic Knights
- When Dungeons Arise

### Removed

- Ars Elemental (due to server crashes)
- Ars Ocultas (due to server crashes)

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.5] - 2023-10-13

### Added

- Erroring Entity Remover Reforged

### Updated

- Ars Nouveau
- Ars Ocultas
- Colorful Hearts
- Cupboard
- Easy Villagers
- Embeddium
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Spooky Bats
- Theurgy
- Tom's Simple Storage
- TrimsEffects

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.4] - 2023-10-10

### Added

- Ars Ocultas (requested)
- Ars Elemental (requested)

### Updated

- Ars Nouveau
- Citadel
- Better Combat
- Spooky Bats
- Blood Magic
- Embeddium
- Colorful Hearts
- Tome of Blood
- Sky Villages
- Curios API
- Searchables
- Vampirism
- Neruina
- Immediately Fast
- Modenomicon

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.3] - 2023-10-02

### Added

- Spooky Bats (requested)
- Classic Weapons (requested)
- ModernFix

### Updated

- AppleSkin
- Bookshelf
- Embeddium
- Jade
- Neruina
- Occultism
- Tips
- Tome of Blood Rebirth
- Tool Stats
- Towns and Towers
- Xaero's Minimap

### Removed

- N/A

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.2] - 2023-09-25

### Added

- Block of Sky (requested)
- Immersive Melodies
- Blood Magic (requested)
- Tome of Blood: Rebirth (requested)
- Simple Farming (requested)
- Right Click Harvest (requested)
- Medieval Paintings (requested)

### Updated

- A.V.A
- Advanced Chimneys
- Blue Skies
- Brutal Bosses
- Catalogue
- Connectivity
- Curios API
- Embeddium
- Entity Culling
- Farsight
- Leaky
- Neruina
- Nyf's Banner Patterns
- Smooth Chunk
- Structure Essentials
- Structure Gel API
- Xaero's Minimap

### Removed

- Epic Samurai (due to 3d model armor crashes and dev not yet fixed wool/cloth exploit)

### Changed

- Reset Trash Slot hide/show keybind to default (T)
- Disable Ok Zoomer toast popup when entering servers

## [1.6.1] - 2023-09-22

### Added

- Epic Samurai (requested)
- Easy Villagers (requested)
- Disenchantment Table (requested)
- Ok Zoomer

### Updated

- Embeddium
- Colorful Hearts
- Immediately Fast
- Neruina
- Curious API

### Removed

- Friends and Foes (to lessen entity lag)
- Let's Do mods (fix random crashes)
- Skin Layers 3D (conflicts with Epic Samurai armors)
- Vanilla Zoom

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.6.0] - 2023-09-19

### Added

- Nyf's Banner Patterns
- Memory Leak Fix
- Vampires Need Umbrellas
- 3D Skin Layers
- Trade Cylcling
- Construction Wands (disabled on official servers)

### Updated

- Balm
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Embeddium
- DarkBlades
- Twilight Forest
- Neruina
- Immediately Fast
- Friends and Foes
- Ars Nouveau

### Removed

- LuckPerms

### Changed

- Default particle setting set to minimal to stop vampire 'give up' lag when reviving
- Swapped Vampirism umbrella with Vampires Need Umbrellas umbrella for starter gear
- Disabled player stealing from Rod of Lyssa

## [1.5.9] - 2023-09-16

### Added

- Simply Backpacks
- Nyf's Modpack Version Check
- Macaws Paintings
- Colorful Hearts (requested)

### Updated

- Nosiphus Furniture Mod
- A.V.A
- Trashslot
- Macaws Roofs

### Removed

- Backpacked (requested)

### Changed

- Added gun, vampirism umbrella and basic backpack to starter gear
- Grenade launcher ammo requirements

## [1.5.8] - 2023-09-15

### Added

- Ender Trigon (triple headed ender dragon)
- Macaw's Windows

### Updated

- Cupboard
- Kobolds
- Cristel Lib
- Immersive Aircraft
- Ars Nouveau

### Removed

- Dragon Mount Legacy (possible bug where ender dragon doesn't show up after respawning or flies too high)
- Serene Seasons (to resolve some server lag issues)

### Changed

- N/A

## [1.5.7] - 2023-09-13

### Added

- Neruina Ticking Entity Fix
- Packet Fixer
- No See No Ticking
- Xaero's Minimap and World Map
- Embeddium (Sodium fork)
- LuckPerms
- Open Parties and Claims (Replaces FTB Chunks)
- Spark
- Log Begone
- Werewolves (Vampirism addon) (requested)

### Updated

- Smooth Chunk
- Smart Brain Lib
- Risk Of Rain
- Twilight Forest
- Immersive Aircraft
- Citadel
- Blue Skies
- Alex's Mobs

### Removed

- FTB Chunks (replaced by OPAC) - server users make sure to alert your users of this change before updating server
- FTB Teams
- FTB Lib

### Changed

- Waystone config to allow global toggle
- Log Begone entries
- Cleaned up keybinds (assign any missing keys you want in options) (use middle mouse click for inventory sorting)
- Changelog formatting to match with Fabric version changelog

Version 1.5.6
- Updated DarkBlades
- Added No Chat Reports
- Added Better Compatibility Checker

Version 1.5.5
- Removed Journeymap
- Added FTB Chunks (replaces journeymap's minimap)
- Added FTB Teams

Version 1.5.4
- Fixed backpacks not opening with B key
- Updated Resourceful Lib
- Updated Pufferfish's Skills
- Updated Lets Do Meadow

Version 1.5.3
- Updated Bisect config so you can create a server directly from the MMO section

Version 1.5.2
- Updated Curious API
- Updated DarkBlades
- Updated Enchantment Descriptions
- Updated Jade
- Updated Macaws Furniture Biomes O Plenty
- Updated Occultism
- Updated Perfect Plushies

Version 1.5.1
- Removed Capes mod to fix server issues

Version 1.5.0
- Updated to 1.20.1
- Note: Old worlds may not work since some of the mods have changed

Version 1.4.5
- Fixed Carry On mod linking to fabric version, now uses forge file (this was caused by dev not linking the file properly)
- Updated keybinds - make sure to check keybinds in game and set accordingly
- Cleaned up welcome messages

Version 1.4.4
- Updated Immersive Aircraft
- Updated Upgraded Netherite
- Serverpack format has changed, please read the included readme file in serverpack zip for more instruction information

Version 1.4.3
- Updated All mods to latest versions
- Replaced previous zoom mob with Vanilla Zoom mod

Version 1.4.2
- Updated all mods to latest
- Removed Rally Health

Version 1.4.1
- Added Controller Mod (requested)

Version 1.4.0
- Updated to 1.19.4
- Added more Forge exclusive mods to the pack, check mod list for more information
- Server owners be careful with your worlds. Some mods may not work properly due to upgrade. Backup your world and create a new world is you see missing blocks/textures

Version 1.3.0
- Updated to 1.19.3
- Server owners be careful with your worlds. Some mods may not work properly due to upgrade. Backup your world and create a new world is you see missing blocks/textures
- Added most of previous mods from 1.19.2 plus additional new Forge mods

Version 1.2.1
- Updated Configs
- Removed YUNG mods
- Added Global Packs

Version 1.2.0
- Updated JEI
- Updated Jade
- Updated ROG Style More Weapons
- Updated Apotheosis
- Updated Ars Nouveau
- Updated Travelers Backpack
- Updated LazyDFU
- Updated Twilight Forest
- Updated Tips
- Updated Placebo
- Updated OPAC
- Updated DarkBindings
- Updated DarkCap
- Updated DarkFlight
- Updated DarkLoot
- Updated DarkQuesting
- Updated DarkRTP
- Updated DarkSpins
- Updated DarkTides
- Added Default Options
- Added DarkInventory - use /trigger clearcob to clear Curse of Binding on armor (curios not supported)
- Added DarkWooly

Version 1.1.9
- Updated Better Combat
- Updated Ars Nouveau
- Updated RPG Style More Weapons
- Removed MC Dungeon Armors due to Architectury API error when updating
- Removed DarkNinja (archive)
- Added XPCasino - view quests (Press L) to see instructions

Version 1.1.8
- Updated RPG Style More Weapons
- Updated Ars Nouveau
- Updated Enchantment Descriptions
- Updated Immersive Armors
- Updated DarkMining

Version 1.1.7
- Updated RPG Style More Weapons
- Updated Clickable Advancements
- Updated FastLoad
- Updated Immersive Armors
- Updated JEI
- Added Zen & Link Zelda Font
- Added Craft Presence

Version 1.1.6
- Updated Better Combat
- Updated Lost Cities
- Updated JEI
- Updated Advanced Netherite
- Added Tech RPG Font

Version 1.1.5
- Updated Nameless Trinkets
- Updated Xaero's World Map
- Added Gothic RPG Font
- Fixed Better Combat swing through grass option
- Updated Quests and Recipe data

Version 1.1.4
- Updated all existing mods to latest versions
- Removed Epic Knights Armor due to errors
- Removed Mahou Tsukai due to crashes
- Added all of YUNG mods
- Replaced Global Packs with Paxi
- Added DarkMining
- Added Immersive Armors
- Added Advanced Netherite
- Added RPG Style More Weapons
- Added Super RPG Font - Enable in Textures menu

Version 1.1.3
- Updated DarkBindings recipes

Version 1.1.2
- Updated DarkQuesting - Fixed crimson wart block quest. This now should reward after crafting 1x block (thanks Victoria Seras Aeron)

Version 1.1.1
- Updated all mods to their latest version
- Added Dungeons Plus to replace Blue Skies as Blue Skies is still in alpha and doesn't work properly - Server Owners please backup your worlds before upgrading
- Added Travelers Tiles
- Added additional Main Menu background
- Tweaked Sculked Magpie XP settings (thanks Smokerman)
- Tweaked Starter gear to now included 5x Orbs of Origin instead of 1x
- Fixed Server Pack to allow flight as default

Version 1.1.0
- Updated Xaero's Minimap
- Updated JEI
- Updated Quests and other packs
- Added BisectHosting Integration - you can now get a server for DarkRPG from within the multiplayer MMO menu

Version 1.0.9
- Updated XP Tome
- Updated Xaero's World Map and Minimap
- Updated Travelers Backpack
- Updated Twilight Forest
- Updated DarkBindings recipes
- Added Origins Classes

Version 1.0.8
- Changed default shaders to Sildurs Vibrant Shaders
- Bug fixes

Version 1.0.7
- Updated pack
- Added Shaders to pack

Version 1.0.6
- Updated to Forge 1.19.2
- Re-installed all mods for 1.19.2

Version 1.0.5b
- Updated Forge version of modpack
- Fixed Server Pack file issue

Version 1.0.5a
- Updated all mods to latest version

Version 1.0.5
- Updated all mods to latest version
- Added Copper Equipment
- Added Loading screen tips
- Updated Quests and The Xchange items
- Added Mineral Chance mod
- Added Full Brightness mod - Press # to toggle
- Added Death compass and new Grave mod (replaces previous grave mod) - Sneak on Grave or break grave to recover items
- Swapped JEI and Journeymap with REI and Xaero's Map mods
- Added more performance mods (FPS should be higher than before)

Version 1.0.4
- Updated all mods to latest version
- Updated Forge version
- Fixed Quests to now include breaking blocks and item submissions to fix any issues with items not registering
- Added Diamond Nuggets mod
- Added Copper Ingots and Iron Ingots in The Xchange - convert diamonds for these items
- Changed WorldEdit wand tool from Wooden Axe to Golden Shovel - this is mainly used in Creative mode and not affect Survival modes or servers.

Version 1.0.3a
- Added Tree Harvester (hold shift with an axe to complete-chop down a tree)
- Added Discord presence mod
- Added Enigmatic graves
- Added Camp mods (healing and no hostiles around campfire)
- Added Signposts
- Added Kobolds
- Added Ogres
- Added Trolls
- Added Goblins and Goblin traders
- Added Tooltip mod
- Removed MCA mod due to large amount of errors its outputting on client and serverside. It will be re-added once the updates have fixed several crashing issues.
- Fixed loading screen gui scale issue

Version 1.0.2
- Removed some origins that were conflicting with the Epic Fight mod.
- Added emergency items. Use the icon on top right corner in the Quest screen to get emergency items that includes an orb of origin(used to change your origin). You have to wait 2.30 minutes to receive it.
- Updated quests to an advanced system seen in the Fabric version of DarkRPG. You can also now do repeatable quests.

Version 1.0.1
- Changed FTB Chunk with FLAN for land claiming. Use a Golden Hoe to Claim and Stick to see others' claims
- Added JourneyMap
- Updated all quests to main quest types that use in game items for easier progression
- Added Furniture mod

Version 1.0.0
- First Public release
- Full clean up of mods and config files
- Revamped quest section to match with Forge mods
- Re-did the key binds
- Server Pack also available (once approved on CurseForge)

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